Friday, October 31, 2008

Elan Vital

Just come, you know you want to...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sydney October

Here's some photos from Sydney during the long weekend and then my work experience at M.C.G.

Claire and some weird prehistorical marsupial at the museum

I took a photo of this one because it was huge and I thought my dad might like it (he loves the Napoleonic stuff)

Yinko Shonibare's work at the M.C.A. was awesome - I got told off after taking this photo so this is the only one I have

Monster Children Gallery, Darlinghurst

The guy that runs the place, Joe, was a pretty damn good boss to have for the week. He's professional when it's needed, but the nicest guy at the same time. Check out his mad publishing and go buy something.

Pommier from Canada, framing the drawings he brought with him. Its always fun documenting exhibitions from the total mess that you start with.

I probably spent a decent 6 hours assembling and framing Seth Scriber's work.

His collage looked great when it was framed.

Scott Pommier's photos.

Joe moves fast with a drill- On a good day, I reckon he could hang about 12 pictures in half an hour.

Niall McClelland's work was probably my favourite in the show.. very inspiring stuff.

Pommier and his awesome drawings and paintings. His new oil paintings are looking tight.

Beers and peeps at the opening night - wasn't as packed and sweaty as I had anticipated, but made lots of friends when I was pouring drinks out in the courtyard.

Burritos and beers - a good post exhibition snack. (Pommier also taught me that when you visit other places as an artist, you can keep all your reciepts for the food you buy, and claim it as a business expense when you do your tax)

Pommier and I spent the last day we were both in Sydney being tourists walking around the aquarium and taking photos of the sharks.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mad Love

Etching, screen print, paint and shellac on stretched canvas. Just a test that I whipped up over a couple of days, more stuff like this coming (but with better compositions, on better canvas, etc.)

PS: mega blog from my times in Sydney coming soon ;)

Pandemic pictures

Hey guys - a bit late but here's some photos from Pandemic, our exhibition. It was on a Friday night, meaning most of our school buddies, family and friends had no excuse not to show up. It was totally a smash though, nice and packed, everyone enjoying the good times and the beers from the bars. Tapedeck is a rad little place for having exhibitions- run by very chilled people who dont take any commision. Defiantly have to have more exhibitions with these dudes. We're probably going to have more shows, maybe in a bigger venue next time though!

PS: All works are monoprint and screenprint on canvas, and are roughly 20X25cm and 22X30cm, edition of 5, $100 each, and there's still a few left, so send me an email if your interested! ;)

The awesome work of James Boulton and Adam Murikami

Big Brother is watching

My work

Angry Cracker Monkey

Young Chimp

The Return of the Wolf King

ps: James wants me and him to enter work in the Dirty Show. At least we can say then we've exhibited in the U.S.